Similarly, I wanted to give on screen examples of the fonts, but had the same limitation of images issue :confounded: I must apologise that I haven't included examples of EVERY font that I have listed but I was limited to just 25 images that I could imbed in the blog. I have included the name of the font (so they should be easy for you to Google search should you want to download it - just type the name of the font followed by the word font & you should hopefully find it easily enough) and the file size (should anyone be concerned about that - although they are all quite small :blush: ). This also means if you're using the font in a Word document, it will appear in the document in the correct font format. They are also generally TrueType fonts, that is, they will appear on screen as they are supposed to. You just download it, un-zip it (if necessary) and transfer the font file to the font folder of your computer and you're good to go! Many, if not most, of them are freeware/shareware, so they don't really cost anything to obtain and there are many sites where they can be downloaded from. You might be surprised to learn just how many Star Wars related fonts there actually are. Part of my arsenal to create Star Wars images are Star Wars specific fonts. You can find some of my efforts in previous blogs. I quite enjoy using photo editors for creating Star Wars images.